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Structure Summary File (*.xss)

The Structure Summary File (*.xss) is a standard output when the variable efficiency option is used (control variable ieffmax = 1). The report describes structure data related to area, demand, maximum efficiency surface water use, ground water use, soil storage, consumptive use and returns. It was developed to provide data similar to that provided by StateCU, the State's consumptive use model.

The header describes the structure (diversion or well ID), account and name. In addition, it describes the administration number, on/off switch, owner, and decreed amount for each water right located at this structure. It then contains a time series for the following:

# Column Description
0 Structure ID Structure ID (diversion or well)
0 Year Year of the simulation
0 Mo Month of the simulation
1 Sw Fld Acres served by surface water and flood irrigation
2 SW Spr Acres served by surface water and sprinklers
3 GW Fld Acres served by ground water and flood irrigation
4 GW Spr Acres served by gronnd water and sprinklers
5 Total Total Acres
6 Total Demand Structure Demand provided in the demand files. Note if demand data is provided as a consumptive value total demand is adjusted using a surface water efficiency.
7 CU Demand Consumptive Demand. Note if a consumptive demand file (*.ddc) is provided this value is printed. If a consumptive demand file is not provided this value is calculated from demand and efficiency data.
Max Efficiency
8 FldEff Maximum flood efficiency
9 SprEff Maximum sprinkler efficiency
Surface Water
10 Divert Water diverted
11 ConEff Percent Conveyance Efficiency
12 ConLoss Conveyance loss
13 To CU Water consumed
14 To Soil Water diverted to soil
15 Return Water that will return
16 Loss Water that is lost to system
17 ActEff Percent Actual efficiency \((\text{To CU} + \text{To Soil})/\text{Divert} \times 100\)
Ground Water
18 Pump Water pumped
19 Capacity Well capacity
20 To CU Water consumed
21 To Soil Water diverted to soil
22 Return Water that will return
23 Loss Water that is lost to system
24 ActEff Percent Actual efficiency \((\text{Pump} + \text{To Soil})/\text{Divert} \times 100\)
Soil Moisture
25 Soil Storage Volume of water in soil moisture storage
Consumptive Use
26 SW&GW Consumptive use of surface and ground water
27 Soil Consumptive use of soil moisture
28 Total Total CU (\(\text{SW}+\text{GW}+\text{Soil}\))
29 Total Return Total of all return flows
30 IWR Short Unmet Irrigation water requirement