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Augmentation Plan Structure

A Plan Type 2 – Well Augmentation Plan structure is used to track the augmentation requirement associated with well pumping in a model scenario for the current and future time steps. The augmentation requirement, or the difference between the depletions to the river and the accretions from any return flows, is generated during model simulation and serves as the plan demand. This plan demand can be “met” by several supplies as discussed in the sections below. Note that StateMod only accounts for the augmentation requirement and supplies used to offset this plan demand; it does not limit well pumping if the supplies are insufficient to meet the full plan demand. The plan demand and supplies are reported in the plan summary (*.xpl) file and it is up to the user to confirm, if appropriate, that the full augmentation requirement is being offset.

  1. Open the network (*.net) in StateDMI, navigate to the appropriate location, and right-click to Add an Upstream Location. Enter the appropriate location and structure information and designate the structure type as a plan.
    • Note that an augmentation plan generally accounts for the augmentation requirement from multiple wells, therefore the plan should be included at a location on the river where a majority of the depletions impact the river.
    • The augmentation requirement will be administered at the location of the plan, therefore the location can impact how much of the plan demand is in-priority or what supplies are available to offset the demand.
    • Augmentation plans are assigned WDID’s in HydroBase; it is recommended this identifier be used as the plan ID in the model.
  2. Recreate the river network file (*.rin) to reflect the additional structure.
  3. In the plan file (*.pln), include the well augmentation plan as a Type 2 Plan and include the appropriate parameter information. See Section 4 for more discussion on the information in and format of this file.
  4. Using a text editor, create the well augmentation plan data (*.plw) file to associate individual wells to an augmentation plan. See Section 4 for more discussion on the information in and format of this file.

    • HydroBase contains the association of well ID’s to augmentation plans in its Association Table, however there is not a command driven approach available in current versions of the data management interfaces to query for the information and create the file. Therefore, this file is currently created outside of the of DMI process using information from the Association Table (accessible through the Datastore functionality in TSTool) and the well rights (*.wer) file.
    • Wells can be tied to multiple augmentation plans if the well right ID is distributed to the multiple augmentation plans.


    Example Well Augmentation Plan Data (*.plw) File (see also the full-size image)

  5. In the operating rule (*.opr) file, include an In-Priority Supply Operating Rule (Type 43) to define the priority date of the augmentation plan indicating when depletions to the river would not need to be augmented. StateMod uses the priorities of the individual wells from the well rights (*.wer) file to determine if any depletions that occur in the same time step are in or out of priority. If in-priority, the augmentation requirement is reduced to reflect the in-priority depletion. Due to the number of wells typically included in a model, it is impractical to analyze each individual well priority to determine if future depletions are in or out of priority, therefore a common priority associated with the Type 43 operating rule is used.

    • In some instances, the augmentation plan decrees include a specific priority at which the depletions do not have to be augmented. If so, use this date as the priority of the Type 43 rule.
    • If no date is provided in the decree, calculate a decree-weighted average priority for the wells associated with the well augmentation plan.
  6. Review the plan summary (*.xpl) file for information on the total augmentation requirement (plan demand) based on the lagged depletions and accretions, and the portion of the augmentation requirement that impacted the river when the well rights or augmentation plan was in-priority. The remainder of the augmentation plan should be offset using one or more of the supplies discussed below, however it is up to the user to ensure the full augmentation requirement is offset.