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Running the Model

This chapter provides technical notes on selected operations, guidance for frequently asked questions regarding the operation of StateMod, and standard and accepted StateMod modeling procedures for implementing the various operations. It is recommended the user follow these approaches, however if the approaches are adapted for more specific operations, it is the user’s responsibility to test and verify the results.

StateMod can be executed through either the StateMod GUI or through command line arguments. See the StateMod GUI User’s Manual for more information on how to execute the model through the GUI. In a command line, it is recommended that the user first call for the StateMod executable along with the specific response file (*.rsp), then select the option using the prompted menu. Figure 5 shows the command line argument calling for StateMod Version 15.00.01 (statemod15_0001) and the Lower South Platte Model scenario (SP2013L). The resulting options can then be selected to create natural flows (baseflows), simulate the model, report results, or perform a data check on the model input files. Table 1 summarizes the functionality of each option; a more detailed summary of each option is provided in Section 3.3. Although it is recommended to execute options using the menu, options shown in Table 1 can be included after the response file in the command line argument and executed using a single command.

Modeling Tips: - Section 2.0 describes the general sequence for developing and operating StateMod, providing guidance on which user option should be run. - It is recommended the user perform a data check on modeling scenarios prior to simulation, in order to check for missing data or incorrect file formats. See the *.log file for a summary of warnings/issues for each file.


Figure 5 - Model Execution Command Line Example (see also the full-size image)

Table 1 - StateMod Menu Options

Menu Option Command Line Designation Description
0. STOP N/A Exit out of current scenario
1. Baseflow -base or -baseflow Perform baseflow option and generates baseflows at all locations if data is available.
2. Simulate -sim or -simulate Perform simulate option with standard reports
3. Report -rep or -report Perform report option
4. Data Check -chk or -check Perform data check option
5. Version -v or -version Print the program version
6. Help N/A Option not currently functional
7. Update -u or -update Print recent StateMod updates
8. SimulateX -simx or -simulatex Perform simulate option without standard reports
9. BaseflowX -basex or -baseflowx Perform baseflow option for ungaged areas only (option typically used after baseflows at gaged locations have been generated and need to be distributed to ungaged areas)

If the Report option (3) is selected, the user will be prompted with a menu of available reports to select from, as shown in Figure 6. Descriptions of the information in each output report can be found in Section 5.0. If the -rep option is used, additional parameters are required in order to request the desired report and desired station as appropriate, by including a report output command. For example, the user can included -xdc following –rep in the command line argument to create the Diversion Comparison output file. A complete list of available report output commands can be found in Section 5.0.


Figure 6 - StateMod Report Options (see also the full-size image)