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Direct Flow Bypass Direct (ityopr=25)

The type 25 operating rule allows a direct flow diversion's water right (ciopso(1)) to be bypassed to a direct flow structure, reservoir or plan (ciopde). The diversion can occur from the river or through a carrier. The amount diverted may be limited to the amount available (Diversion) or its CU (Depletion). The following comments are provided to assist in using and interpreting this operating rule:

  • A water right may operate as both a standard direct flow right and as a bypass water right.
  • The user can supply data that limits the bypass to a percent (ownership) of the water right.
  • The user can supply data that limits the bypass to the consumptive use of their portion of the water right. The efficiency of water use is estimated to equal the efficiency of the source water right’s structure.
  • The source water right may be transferred to a diversion, reservoir or plan (ciopde). When the destination is a plan, the user is typically trying to satisfy a T&C Plan obligation generated by another operating rule with the source water right.
  • The user can supply a “Reuse plan” (creuse) that allows consumptive use credits associated with the direct flow bypass to be stored. A “Reuse Plan” may not be assigned when the destination is a plan because it using the full transfer to offset a T&C requirement.
  • Because a direct flow bypass right may be used to serve both a direct flow right and as a direct flow bypass right, the administration number assigned to the operating rule is used in the analysis analysis for both the direct flow and the direct flow bypass (i.e. it is not overridden by the source water rights administration number).
  • Direct flow bypass operations may be controlled over a season by using appropriate demand data and/or the monthly on/off switch (imonsw(im)). Note the monthly on/off switches only control the bypass operation (i.e. the source water right continues to operate independent of the monthly on/off switch).
  • Monthly and Annual exchange limits are required as input.
  • The amount available for diversion is the minimum physical water available, remaining decree of the exchanging right (e.g. some of the decree may have been used for direct diversion purposes), the bypass potential between the destination and bypass location, and the destination structure’s capacity and the destination structure’s demand.
  • Carrier losses associated with intervening structures may be provided if variable OprLoss is > 0 or = -1 and the variable dumx = 1-10 or < -12. Note carrier losses are routed back to the system using the return flow parameters associated with the carrier structure.
  • Terms and Conditions (T&C Plans) may be calculated if the source 2 variable (ciopso2) is set to a T&C plan. The variable iousou(4,1) is used to indicate how and when T&C demands are calculated.
    • If the user is implementing T&C on a changed water right, it is recommended the user implement Changed Water Rights plan operations (See Section 7.11 and Section 4.13.26) and associate the T&C plan when the water is released from the Changed Water Rights plan.
    • When ciopso2 = Plan ID and iopsou(4,1) = -1 the destination must be an accounting plan and the T&C Obligation is calculated when water is released from that Accounting plan using a type 27 or 28 rule.
    • When ciopso2 = Plan ID and iopsou(4,1) = 1 a standard return pattern is used to calculate the T&C Obligation. A Standard Return Pattern calculates the T&C Obligation to be:
      • \(\text{T&C Obligation (standard)} = (\text{Data in the return flow file (*.urm)}) \times ((\text{Released Water}) \times (1.0 - \text{CU Factor}))\) where the CU Factor is provided in row 5. The first value in a standard return flow table corresponds to the month diverted, the second to the month after a diversion, etc. Data that associates a Plan ID with any number of Return Flow Location(s), Percent(s), and Return Table ID(s) is provided in the plan Return File (*.prf).
    • When ciopso2 = Plan ID and iopsou(4,1) = 2 a fixed return pattern is used to calculate the T&C Obligation. A Fixed Return Pattern calculates the T&C Obligation to be:
      • \(\text{T&C Obligation (fixed)} = (\text{Data in the return flow file (*.urm)}) \times (\text{Released Water})\) The first value in a fixed return flow table corresponds to the first month in the simulation (e.g. January for a calendar year simulation), the second month to February (again for a calendar year simulation), etc. Data that associates a Plan ID with any number of Return Flow Location(s), Percent(s), and Return Table ID(s) is provided in the plan Return File (*.prf).
    • When ciopso2 = Plan ID and iopsou(4,1) = 3 a mixed return pattern is used to calculate the T&C Obligation. Mixed Return Pattern contains both a Standard and Fixed component and calculates the T&C Obligation to be:
      • \(\text{T&C Obligation (standard)} = (\text{Data in the return flow file (*.urm)}) \times ((\text{Released Water}) \times (1.0-\text{CU Factor}))\) where the CU Factor is provided in row 5. The first value in a standard return flow table corresponds to the month diverted, the second to the month after a diversion, etc. Data that associates a Plan ID with any number of Return Flow Location(s), Percent(s), and Return Table ID(s) is provided in the plan Return File (*.prf).
      • \(\text{T&C Obligation (fixed)} = (\text{Data in the return flow file (*.urm)}) \times (\text{Released Water})\) The first value in a fixed return flow table corresponds to the first month in the simulation (e.g. January for a calendar year simulation), the second month to February (again for a calendar year simulation), etc. Data that associates a Plan ID with any number of Return Flow Location(s), Percent(s), and Return Table ID(s) is provided in the plan Return File (*.prf).
    • When ciopso2 = Plan ID and iopsou(4,1) = 4 a default return pattern is used to calculate the T&C Obligation. A Default Return Pattern has a standard component that uses historic return flow data associated with the source water right to calculate the T&C Obligation.
    • If the variable ciopso2 is set to a T&C Plan ID and iopsou(4,1) is greater than zero then CU Factors are expected to be provided in card 5. Note the CU Factors typically represent negotiated values related to, but not necessarily the same as, the efficiency of the Transfer From Structure. Also these factors are only used when iopsou(4,1) = 1 (Standard Return) or 3 (Mixed Return) even though they are required as input.
  • Water bypassed by a Type 25 operating rule is reported in the Stream Report (*.xdd) as follows:
    • At the source, the water bypassed to the destination is reported as Carried, Exchanged or Bypassed.
    • At the destination, the water diverted is reported as From River by Other.
Row-data Variable Description
Control Data
1 Format (a12, a24, 12x, 4x, f12.5, f8.0, i8, 3(1x,a12,i8), i8, 1x,a12, 1x,a12, 1x,2f8.0, 2i8)
1-1 cidvri Operational right ID
1-2 nameo(1) Operational right name
1-3 rtem(1) Administration number
1-4 dumx Monthly and Intervening Structure switch
+n Number of intervening structures (max = 10)
12 Monthly (12) on/off values
-n Include -12 monthly on/off values minus n intervening structures. Note, when a negative value is provided, it should be -13 or less for 12 monthly values and one intervening structure
1-5 ioprsw(1) Annual On/Off Switch
0 = off
1 = on
+n = Begin in year n
-n = Stop after year n
Destination Data
1-6 ciopde Destination structure (Diversion ID Reservoir ID or Plan ID)
Use Type 26 operating rule and Type 13 plan for changed water rights.
1-7 iopdes(2,1) Destination structure account
For a diversion destination, enter 1
For a reservoir destination, enter
+n = Account to be served by this right
-n = Fill the first n accounts based on the ratio of their ownership
Source Data
1-8 ciopso(1) Source water right ID
1-9 iopsou(2,1) Percent of source water right to be bypassed
1-10 ciopso(2) T&C Plan ID
Enter NA if none or if the destination is an Accounting Plan and the terms and conditions associated with this transfer will be calculated when water is released
1-11 iopsou(4,1) 0 if ciopso(2) = NA
1 for a standard return pattern
2 for a fixed return pattern
3 for a mixed return pattern
-1 the terms and conditions associated with this transfer will be calculated when water is released
Type Data
1-12 ityopr(1) 25
Associated Plan Data
1-13 creuse Reuse Plan ID (enter NA if none)
Diversion Type
1-14 cdivtyp Diversion or Depletion
Conveyance Loss (%)
1-15 OprLoss 0 No Transit loss
-1 Provide intervening structure with loss data in row 3.
Miscellaneous Limits
1-16 OprLimit 0
Start Date
1-17 IoBeg First year of operation
End Date
1-18 IoEnd Last year of operation
Monthly Data
2 Free Format (Include only if the variable (dumx) = 12 or less than -12)
2-1 imonsw(1) Monthly switch 0 = off, 1 = on
+n = Day first used that month
-n = Day last used that month
Note the first entry corresponds to the first month specified in the control file
Intervening Structure Data without loss
3 Format (36x, 10a12) (Include only if OprLoss = 0 and the variable (dumx) = 1-10 or < -12 )
3-1 intern(1,1) For +dumx, Enter dumx intervening structure ID's
For -dumx, Enter abs(dumx)-12 intervening structure ID's. If < -12 enter abs(dumx)-12 intervening structure IDs
Intervening Structure Data with loss
3 Free Format (Include only if OprLoss > 0 or = -1 and the variable (dumx) = 1-10 or < -12. See Section 7.11.4 for the approach used to model an augmentation station (i.e. a structure that carries a diversion, typically with loss, then returns non-lost water to the river).
3b-1 intern(1,1) Intervening structure ID (e.g. a Diversion ID or Stream ID)
3b-2 OprLossC(l,1) Carrier Loss for Structure ID %
3b-3 InternT(1,1) Intervening Structure Type
Enter Carrier if it is a diversion structure located on the river
Enter Return if it is a return location on the River
Repeat for +dumx values
Exchange Limits (Monthly and Annual)
4 Free Format (Note: Must include 13 values)
4-1 OprMax(1,1-12) Monthly exchange limit (af/mo)
4-13 OprMax(1,13) Annual exchange limit (af/yr)
T&C CU Factors
5 Free Format (Include only if ciopso(2) is a T&C Plan and iopsou(4,1) is >0)
5-1 OprEff(1) Efficiency in month 1
5-2 OprEff(2) Efficiency in month 2
5-12 OprEff(12) Efficiency in month 12