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Recharge Well (ityopr=44)

The type 44 operating rule provides a method to pump a Recharge well in order to fill a Recharge Reservoir. The following comments are provided to assist in using and interpreting this rule:

  • A recharge well operating rule ties a well right (ciopso(1)) to a recharge reservoir (ciopdes(1)) and account (iopdes(2,1)). Typically the recharge reservoir’s seepage provides a lagged water supply for an augmentation plan.
  • A recharge well only diverts when it is in priority.
  • A recharge well is typically located close to the river and has a relatively quick, if not instantaneous, impact on the river. This quick response is not a requirement, simply how they typically operate. If the recharge well has a lagged depletion that is out of priority its augmentation requirement is included in the plan data (creuse). The depletions associated with this source are specified in the well station file (*.wes).
  • A recharge well might serve as both a water supply and a recharge reservoir’s source. This can occur when the same well right is assigned to both a standard (irrigation) well structure and a type 44 operating rule. If the administration number assigned in the operational right file is different than the administration number of the source (augmentation) well the operating rule value is used and a warning is printed to the log file. The amount pumped to each demand is limited by the well’s total capacity and water right.
Row-data Variable Description
Control Data
1 Format (a12, a24, 12x, 4x, f12.5, f8.0, i8, 3(1x,a12,i8), i8, 1x,a12, 1x,a12, 1x,2f8.0, 2i8)
1-1 cidvri(1) Operational right ID
1-2 nameo(1) Operation right name
1-3 rtem(1) Administration number
1-4 dumx Monthly On/Off Switch
0 Include no monthly on/off values
12 Include 12 monthly on/off values
1-5 ioprsw(1) Annual On/Off Switch
0 = off
1 = on
+n = Begin in year n
-n = Stop after year n
Destination Data
1-6 ciopde Recharge Reservoir
1-7 iopdes(2,1) Recharge Reservoir Account
Supply Data
1-8 ciopso(1) Well Water Right ID
1-9 iopsou(2,1) 0 (not used)
1-10 ciopso(2) NA (not used)
1-11 iopsou(4,1) 0
Type Data
1-12 ityopr(1) 44
Plan Data
1-13 creuse Augmentation Plan used to track future depletion obligations, if any
Diversion Type
1-14 cdivtyp NA
Conveyance Loss (%)
1-15 OprLoss 0
Miscellaneous Limits
1-16 OprLimit 0
Start Date
1-17 IoBeg First year of operation
End Date
1-18 IoEnd Last year of operation
Monthly Data
2 Free Format (Include only if the variable (dumx) = 12 or less than -12)
2-1 imonsw(1) Monthly switch 0 = off, 1 = on
+n = Day first used that month
-n = Day last used that month
Note the first entry corresponds to the first month specified in the control file
Intervening Structure Data without loss
3 Format (36x, 10a12) (Include only if the variable (dumx) = 1-10 or < -12)
3-1 intern(1,1) For +dumx, Enter dumx intervening structure ID's
For -dumx, Enter abs(dumx)-12 intervening structure ID's