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How to Model Well Operations

This section provides a recommended approach on how to model typical well operations using the standard modeling approaches used to develop CDSS models. In general, these approaches focus on representing a group of wells that provide either the full or supplemental irrigation supply. Although single wells can be represented, it is recommended they be aggregated to collectively supply a co-mingled irrigation demand or ground water only demand. When aggregated, they are represented in the model either tied to an existing direct diversion structure ID or tied to a ground water only aggregate. Single wells modeled explicitly are only recommended if they represent augmentation or recharge wells (see the How to Model Augmentation Plans section below).

Sections in this StateMod documentation discuss modeling more complex well operations than discussed in this section; however they have not be thoroughly tested or vetted. This is particularly applicable to the different ways a ground water demand can be included in the model, as indicated by the icondem parameter in the control (*.ctl) file. It is recommended the user implement the historical demand approach (icondem = 1), in which demands for structures using surface water and ground water demands are provided in separate demand files (e.g. *.ddm and *.wem) and are not added together (i.e. surface water shortages cannot be supplied by ground water and vice versa). In any scenario, it is up to the user to make sure wells are operating as expected.