Add a Reservoir
The following approach assumes that the added reservoir is a “future” structure and not an actual reservoir with a valid model identifier (WDID) in HydroBase. If the added structure is in HydroBase, create the input files without set commands first and identify missing information prior to setting input data.
- Open the network (*.net) in StateDMI, navigate to the appropriate location, and right-click to Add an Upstream Location.
Enter the appropriate information and designate the structure type as a reservoir.
- Note if a reservoir is added as a headwater node, it must be made a baseflow node and have a natural flow distribution.
- Recreate the river network file (*.rin) to reflect the additional structure.
- Add the structure to the reservoir station file (*.res) using the StateDMI commands:
- Set the total capacity of the reservoir in AF.
- Set individual accounts (e.g. users in the reservoirs or an inactive pool), their respective capacities, and their starting volumes.
- Set the reservoir outlet capacity for off-channel reservoirs or downstream river channel capacity for on-channel reservoirs in CFS.
- Set the net evaporation station; must reference the evaporation station provided in the evaporation file (*.eva).
- Set the area/capacity/seepage table.
- Add water rights to the reservoir right file (*.rer) using the StateDMI commands:
- Set the water right ID as the structure ID with a numeric suffix for each right.
- Set the water right priority (administration number) and amount in AF.
- Set the accounts that can be filled with the water rights and whether it is a first-fill or refill right.
- Add the structure’s demand to the reservoir target file (*.tar) using the TSTool commands.
- Set the monthly reservoir minimum and maximum targets (generally zero and the reservoir capacity) or read in an external StateMod formatted file (*.stm) with the capacity target in AF.
- Confirm the revised diversion files (*.res, *.rer, *.tar) are reflected in the response file (*.rsp).
- Simulate the model.
- Review the reservoir summary output file (*.xre) for output information on the new reservoir.